New Castle Artifact Catalogue

7NC-E-105____________________ CRS No.__________________________

Artifact Owner Code_______________________ Artifact No._________________

Dates: Excavated_______  Catalogued________ Cataloguer_________________



What is it?________________________________________________________

What is it made of?

Ceramic______________________________  Glass______________________________

Synthetic_____________________________   Organic____________________________

Metal________________________________   Stone_____________________________

Other/ Multiple Materials ___________________________________________________________________________

1. Parts__________________________________________________________

2. Shape__________________________________________________________

3. Size ___________________________________________________________

4. Colors__________________________________________________________

5. Decoration______________________________________________________

6. Text/ Numbers___________________________________________________

7. Manufacturing Marks______________________________________________

8. Maker’s Mark____________________________________________________

9. Usewear Marks___________________________________________________

Continue Description [by No.]

















Location: Where was Artifact found on Site property?

Circumstances of Excavation: _______________________________________

Sketch/ Describe Horizontal location         Describe Vertical location:____________________










North (not to scale)



Artifact Owner Code and Number______________________Photograph Number ________


Photographer_________________________________ Date____________

























NOTE: Cover below when photocopying!

Site Owner(s) (if not artifact owner)_____________________________________

Address [artifact found] ______________________________________________

Artifact Discovered by________________________________________________



New Castle Community History and Archaeology Program

Archaeological Artifact Inventory Project


            The New Castle Community History and Archaeology Program was formed in January 2006, following a series of community meetings in 2005, and a successful Doing Local History workshop.  The Program's purposes are to promote community stewardship, preservation, study and interpretation of New Castle's material heritage.

            At our community meetings, residents highlighted the desirability of creating a Community Resources Inventory and Plan for Archaeological Sites and Artifact Collections.  One component of this project involves inventorying archaeological artifacts that residents have located on their properties and on other properties in New Castle.

            The New Castle Historical Society (NCHS) will be the repository for the New Castle Artifact Catalogue forms and digital images of artifacts.  The Inventory will become a resource for researchers and historical interpreters interested in learning from and teaching about New Castle's important place in the history of Delaware, the United States, and the colonial Atlantic world.  For example, the NCHS and the New Castle Community History and Archaeology Program are exploring community interest in an exhibit of artifacts found by local residents, to be hosted at the Old Library in 2007.


Please check all that apply:

__  I/we grant the NCHS permission to maintain artifact catalogue forms and images of the artifacts enumerated below for the purposes of researching and interpreting New Castle history.

__ I/we understand and accept that the NCHS and the affiliated New Castle Community History and Archaeology Program will not appraise or otherwise assign an economic value to the artifacts or participate in any capacity in the sale, exchange, or commercial display or use of the artifacts.

__ I/we grant the NCHS permission to release to researchers and interpreters my/our names.

__ I/we understand and accept that the NCHS will not release information regarding the location from which the artifacts were excavated, nor the current location of the artifacts, without the express written permission of the artifact owners.


Artifact Owner(s)' Name(s)_____________________________________________________

Signature(s)_____________________________________Artifact Owner Code­­___________

Address______________________________ City__________State____ Zip code________

Phone Number___________________ Email Address_______________________________

Artifact Numbers (see Catalog form)________________________________________________



New Castle Historical Society

2 E. Fourth Street

New Castle, DE 19720



For the Historical Society: Name_________________________________________________


New Castle Artifact Catalogue


Directions for Completing Form:

1.         Do not fill in the Site/ CRS numbers in the block at the top of the form.

2.         Artifact Owner Code: Assigned by New Castle Historical Society.

3.         Artifact No.: Begin with 1 for each Artifact Owner and number artifacts from the same owner sequentially.

4.         Date Excavated: Ask owner to estimate if necessary.

5.         Catalogued: Date you create the catalogue form.

6.         Cataloguer: Your name

7.         What is it? The name of the artifact, if known.  E.g., window glass, nail, saucer, plate

8.         What is it made of?  Check appropriate box and fill in more detailed information, if known. E.g., Ceramic, Redware.  On bottom line, write unknown if material is not yet identified.

9.         Parts: List the parts of the artifact present: e.g., complete; handle

10.       Shape, Size, Colors, Decoration: Describe briefly

11.       Text/ Numbers: Transcribe any lettering, words, text, labels, or numbers on the artifact, noting their location on the object.

12.       Manufacturing Marks: List marks on the artifact resulting from, and helping to identify, how the object was made.  E.g., mold seams on bottles

13.       Maker's Mark: Names, Marks, or other identifiers of the object's maker that appear on the artifact.

14.       Usewear: Briefly describe the physical evidence of how the artifact was used, and its condition.  E.g., eating surface of plate, highly scratched

15.       Continue Description: For Items 1-9, (Parts through Usewear), use this section if you need additional space.  E.g., 1. Rim, base; 4. Purple, black, white band on top; 6. On side: 'Mrs. Jones' Most Effective Vegetable Tonic and Hair Restorer.'

On back of Form

16.       Location: Use the rectangular box to sketch the location of buildings on the property and the location at which the artifact found.  Use the lines to describe the horizontal and vertical location in more detail, if known.

17.       Circumstances of Excavation: E.g., gardening, building construction

18.       Photograph: If it fits, lay the artifact on the form next to the ruler to photograph it.

19.       Artifact Owner Code and Number: Copy from front.

20.       Photograph Number: Begin with No. 1 for each artifact from the same owner, and number sequentially.

21.       Artifact: Copy from "what is it?" on front of form.

22.       Photographer: Name of Photographer

23.       Date: Date photograph taken

24.       Site Owners: Name of owners of the property on which artifact was found, if different from Artifact Owner.

25.       Address: Street address or other identifier of property on which artifact was found

26.       Artifact Discovered by: If known, identify the person who found the artifact, or note Unknown.